There is no touristic accommodation on Tatakoto, and I remain grateful to the local administration for
allowing me to travel and live on their island for a week.
Luggage was carefully treated upon arrival as part of covid-19 protocol.
There is a large welcome sign close to the airport.
Entrance gate to the Tukumuru village.
Multi-band vertical antenna was setup outside the school guesthouse where I stayed.
Operating TX0T.
Maria Immaculata, the village church.
Maria Immaculata church viewed from the main street.
All village roads are paved.
Boathouse near the ocean.
Ocean boat launching bay.
Boathouse (detail).
Boathouse (detail).
Flying the IOTA flag.
Pretty tired in the morning, after a night on the air!
Local school.
Local school (detail).
Local school is decorated with large clam or benitier shells.
The yellow variety of the fragrant frangipani.
More of the amazingly beautiful tropical flowers on the island.
Island post and telecommunication buildings.
Post office.
Village council.
Old church belonged to another village, now abandoned.
Old church is adorned with large clam shells.
More detailed shell ornaments on the old church.
Bamboo planks were taped to repair the top part of the antenna which broke during a fall.
The bread tree.
Orange coconuts.
Decorative grass shrubs.
Lagoon marina.
Coconut water is delicious in a hot day of 34C.
Bougainvillea and frangipani.
Alain's (FO5RH, FO0CLA, TX5TES) house, 2-el beam, and WARC dipole behind the trees.
With Alain.
With Ludo, the village electrician.
Large moment built by the first missionaries on the northwest side of the island.
Large monument built by first missionaries (detail).
Large reef rocks were buried deep into the ground long ago to mark land ownership.
Reef rocks used to support a former house in the most recently abandoned village.
Remains of an old cistern in the most recently abandoned village.
One of the many small islets (motu) on the south side of the atoll.
Crabs retreat instantly into their holes in the sand when approached.
Old unfinished church in the first abandoned village a century ago.
Pitou, small monument at the northeast edge of the atoll. According to tradition, one must reach it in order to claim to have visited Tatakoto.
View from southeast.
Pierre is passionate about raising honey bees.
Christian is trying to grow vanilla.
Harvested high quality copra is drying out.
Thanks to Puhia I didn't have to worry about food, thus focusing exclusively on the radio activity!